Saving Lives for a Change

It's been a slow few days lately. I did manage however to pick up even more cash for awhile though.

I was working the cab during the day and happened upon a paramedic. He saw that I was a white guy I guess and asked me how much I made during the day. I hinted that it was enough, but was really trying to push me to work for the local rescue squad at the hospital. He said the were short people and since I knew the town pretty well, it would be like taking a step up in the world for helping out. I don't know if he was religious or nothin, but I told him I would stop by the next day.

I got a ride over to the hospital, since there is nooo way I'm taking my new hotrod over and leaving it. The guys finally worked with me to get one that needed a little fix up and with the help of the shop, I got a nice paint job on it at least.

But the ambulance was tough. I thought driving a taxi was nerve racking, people don't know what the heck to do when they hear sirens. They either stop right in the middle of the lane or veer over and get in the lane your switching to. And the people on the sidewalks...what do the want to be targets?

The pay isn't as good as the cab, and it's just as busy. I told him I might do it on a volunteer basis, but I don't think it's going to be long term.

In other news, one of the girls that works at the club seems to have taken an interest in me. I won't say I'm hot, but I do keep quiet. It's hard to figure out why she likes me. But she seems easy to be around. I might have to take her up on a date and see where this goes.