Bang Up Job

I really raked it in today in the cab. I worked all day and didn't even really take that many passengers, but they sure paid well. And time just flew by.

The nice thing about this city is that the cops usually are only around when people really need them. I didn't need them at all and only saw one or two. Sure makes it easy. And the passengers never say a word.

All this driving and my truck has been sitting nice and unbroken for a couple of days. Makes you feel good at night knowin you can just bang around in someone else's car. And I really do treat them like crap.

The club had me doin dirty work. I hate cleaning up after someone else, but money is money. But apparently there are some gangs around town that I had to deal with tonight. I know they usually leave non-gang people alone, so I wasn't too worried about it. But my boss has to change the way he did business because of their business...I don't know. I stayed out of the particulars.

They had a real pimped out muscle car though. All of them do. Like it's a car club or something. I might have to get me one of those!

Second Job, Mo Money

You wouldn’t believe how much things cost in this part of the city. You’d think that all this filthy trash living around here couldn’t afford it. I had to take a second job to be able to get some of the things I need. Things I need to get me on my way out. So I had a bright idea. Since I’m driving people around already, I thought driving a cab would make just as much sense. It was an easy job to get because there are a ton of cabs around the city.

Not only am I learning the streets, but I learn a lot about this city through the people in my cab. If there not screamin at me to slow down, they actually manage to blab about whatever, like they know me. Stuff they probably wouldn't tell they're wives or husbands. I’m gettin me a good idea of who’s who. The deal makers. I’m sure some of this info will come to my advantage one day.

Well after a hard day of working two jobs, it’s time to go to bed. Funny, it always seems like I only sleep for a few seconds, and somehow, magically, the time changes. I feel like I never get a break.

Job Description

So basically I'm a delivery guy at work. I'm learning all the parts of town. A wheelman. HA.

I've already done some damage to my truck. What are these things made of? Aluminum?

I made another work contact. Guy at a car shop down by the harbor. Says he can give me some work because my boss put in a good word for me. Two days and I'm already well known? This is gonna get to my head soon.

Now here's a strange thing. This payphone was just ringin down by the docks when I was gettin back in my truck. So I answered it. No one else seemed to care.

This guy starts blabberin about his bank manager like I'm someone who cares. A stranger on the phone. I just hung up the phone and went on my way.

So I got some work done on my car today and even decided to change the color. I always did like purple. $1000 doesn't buy much of a paint job I guess. They were done like in 10 seconds. But while I was there, I kept thinking about what that guy on the phone said. All he said was that his manager needed a ride and that I just pick him up. I'm already doin people deliveries, so why the hell not. He didn't even make me drive my own truck! Seemed like a nice guy. And the dude even paid me when I got back. Of course not after dropping the truck off for his buddy at the dump.

I've never seen a car get crushed before.

I'm starting to like this place.

Car Wreck

It hasn't been a week and I've already totalled my car. I don't even know what to say about it. I'm speechless.

I'm going to have to get another one. Hopefully the spray shop guy will help me out. He's seems nice enough. And I think I can trust him to give me a good deal. I'm sure he knows someone who has a nice enough car.

Lucky work didn't need me to drive a car. I got a loaner though. I just had to walk 15 blocks up a hill to get to it, all the way down to the harbor. At first the guy took one look at me and didn't want to loan it. I was able to pursuade him.

Now I've got a nice little truck.


Got paid!

Must have been the end of the two weeks when I started. So of course it wasn't much.

Man everything is crap around here. The stores are all barred windows and plastered with signs. My place is right next to the train tracks, so it must come by every 10 minutes. What a hole.

Found a local autobody paint shop. Once the guy saw what I was drivin, he said he'd give me a discount. Probably give me a discount for anything I brought to him as long as it wasn't hot.

Me? Steal a car?

Sad shape

I am really out of shape. I don't think I could job half a block if I needed to. Isn't that funny.

My place is right on the edge of spanish harlem and chinatown. I get a few stares, but for the most part people leave me alone. I can see the gangs on the corners and the hookers patrolling the streets. Not many cops down here though.

Everything is sort of run down and falling apart. But there are lots of people around. Dangerous if you ask me.

I really need to work out more.


Well I met my new boss last night. First thing he had me do was run out to pick up someone. Made me use my own car too. Peice of crap Chrysler. Ugly color too. And man was that girl a ditz. Didn't say one word to me on the way back. As soon as I pulled up to the club, she got out and didn't say thanks or anything.

So I just headed back home.

It's before noon, so I guess I'll go out and walk around the town, get a feel for things.


I guess I'll keep writing. I'm done working for tonight and I guess there is some internet here that the computer is picking up. It's probably stealing but it's not my fault that some idiot is turning off his internet access.

I guess I should be lucky to be here. This place isn't so bad and I've been around a lot worse. I'll never live in the nicer neighborhoods or have good weather all year around. So I guess I should be thankful. At least one person is taking care of me and he's not in much better shape than I am. The burns on his hands are healing pretty well. He's not crying about it at least.

For some reason though I'm still waiting for the people in the street to start starring at me. Treating me like I'm different. No one knows me so there is no reason for them to be looking at me. My clothes aren't that great but hell, I live in the crap part of town, so they can just kiss my big white behind.

Maybe I'll just leave. Maybe I'll get out of here. No one is keeping me down, right? There's no reason to keep living in this place. I'll keeping working, bide my time and get out.

Man that feels good to say.

Gotta call from work. The things I do for money.

the club and this city

This is really sort of a joke, this club. The owner is sort of weasel and he treats me like one. Whatever. He's givin me work and I'll do it.

All I know is I'm still pissed. I'm pissed about the people who I thought were my friends. I should have learned my lesson back in the neighborhood when I was a kid. I always gave people and chance and they just turned their back on me when it suited them.

I'll find myself doing it again with the new people here at the club. but I know it won't last. So I'll just keep my distance and do what I'm told. I'm just going to watch out for myself from now on. This city is big enough at least. That'll keep my busy enough.

Counting the days...

God, starting this thing was hard. Getting this computer was hard. Well, sort of.

I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm probably not going to last very long out here, but if I don't do somethin about what I'm thinkin I'm just gonna lose it. I've made mistakes before but this is just topping the cake. So I'll write and write and get it all out of my head. Hopefully it'll calm me down and I can concentrate and relax.

I'm scraped up. I'm not alone though, so that's good. I'm already trying to find work and I'm not sure if that's the smart thing to do, but I need money and food. I need a place to sleep at night. I'm keeping my head low for the time being, but knowing me, it won't last too long. I'm never too far away from ... well anything that's bad for me.